Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The BOM diggity

The book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ ....this is how the book starts them the testaments of the three witnesses then the 12 then first Nephi who was born of goodly parents then I would get distracted and put the book down until I was next inspired to pick to up which could have been months or in some cases years. Reading the book of Mormon was not my strongest point because I didn’t really understand what it was.
it’s strange how someone can impact your life without you ever telling them or them even knowing. When I was 18 I had been staying with my parents in NSW for a few months before I moved from Tom Price WA to Perth WA at this time a movie had just been released, a movie that has impacted a lot of Mormon girls probably more than I would care to admit ..this movies name was twilight ...and my older sister Heidi had somewhat of an obsession with it frequently reading me chapters and giving me advise from the book .so with much frustration I came to the conclusion that I must read this book and judge for myself so I did .it took roughly 4 days to read the entire serious and I couldn’t see straight after but I remember sitting on the couch at my chapel and reading while my mum was conducting Tuesday night activities when a boy came up to me one that I maybe didn’t value for his intelligence or strength in the church and started talking to me about twilight so naturally I boasted how fast I was reading it and that I would soon be finished to which he replied “but how many times have you read the book of Mormon" this hit me like a ton of bricks
The best way to describe it is to in 1 Nephi 16:2 "wherefore, the guilty taketh the truth to be hard, for it cutteth them to the very center."
 I was guilty I thought through the hundreds of books I had read from cover to cover and was ashamed to say that the book of Mormon was not one of them. After that that sentence "but how many times have you read the book of Mormon" would replay in my head when ever I went to pick up a book to read that wasn’t the book of Mormon .it took me a little while before I eventually bit the bullet and read and it’s true that it is the most true of all the books on the earth and I am so grateful that I am able to serve in a place where it was restored to the earth and tell the stories of the miracles that had a major part in its coming forth .
I know this because I have read it and I study everyday and I challenge you to take Moroni’s challenge and know for yourself as well because i can tell you all till i am blue in the face but until you read for yourself you will never be able to know.
4 And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

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