I remember when I was at home in sacrament meeting if we would sing the hymn “have I done any good?” my little brother David would often turn to me and mouth the words have you done any good in the world today ?which would often get me thinking how I had spent my time in the last week "had I cheered up the sad or made someone feel glad? " "If not I had failed indeed.”
Mosiah 2:17 says: “And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.”
One of my mum’s favorite sayings growing up was “service begins at home” .I believe what she was trying to teach us was to start small by serving our biological siblings before we could reach such climbs as serving our siblings in the gospel or even our brothers and sisters in the human race .(exclaims sister Meister dramatically)…lol
As most hard and useful lessons I have learned as I child I learned this particular lesson in a sneaky cunningly planned family home evening. On this particular Monday many years ago my mother gathered all 5 of us in the family room and handed us each a letter that explained that there was a family in the ward who was having trouble keeping their house clean and they were in dire need of some help .So with the wilting spirit of compassion we all piled into the car and drove around for about 15 minutes all scared stiff as to what horrid task we had been enlisted to serve in .finally we reached our destination ...HOME what?
At this time mum passed us all another letter with one of our siblings name in it and request to clean and or tidy their room. Painfully and completely complacently we all set about doing our tasks. And when we were all finished we went out and got ice cream.
finally it came time to go to bed (I think that I was doing early morning seminary at this time and was generally tired all the time).As I walked into my room I saw everything in its place and my bed made lovingly so that I was able to just slip in and sleep .
I didn’t really realize until that moment that when we are called to serve in any capacity when we rise to that calling heavenly father will take care of those things that we would like to attend too that we are rendered unable to .So I guess it’s the same with missionary work we are promised that if we serve with all our hearts might mind and strength heavenly father we look after our families and other people we love and care about he will also take care of us temporally.
So with that in mind dearest readers I pose this question “have you done any good in the world today?”
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